Super Smash Junior’s Roster Application

Super Smash Roster Application – Current Term

Please register for SuperSmash using the form below.  Please note the payment section below will allow you to select and pay online (following this form) or you can simply capture the banking details shown and pay by direct debit.

SuperSmash Players Registration

Given / First name of the person who is registering with the STBA
Family Name / Surname name of the person who is registering annual membership with the STBA
Please provide your gender.
Select the Year, month and Day for your Date Of Birth.
Which school does this child attend?
NEW = New to playing, not played before; BEGINNER = has only played a very small amount or not at all; GOOD = has a hit with friends, mum and dad, limited game experience, reasonably capable; EXPERIENCED = played matches, has been coached, skilled
Given / First name of the person who is registering with the STBA
Family Name / Surname name of the person who is registering annual membership with the STBA
Please provide your gender.
Select the Year, month and Day for your Date Of Birth.
Which school does this child attend?
NEW = New to playing, not played before; BEGINNER = has only played a very small amount or not at all; GOOD = has a hit with friends, mum and dad, limited game experience, reasonably capable; EXPERIENCED = played matches, has been coached, skilled
Given / First name of the person who is registering with the STBA
Family Name / Surname name of the person who is registering annual membership with the STBA
Please provide your gender.
Select the Year, month and Day for your Date Of Birth.
Which school does this child attend?
NEW = New to playing, not played before; BEGINNER = has only played a very small amount or not at all; GOOD = has a hit with friends, mum and dad, limited game experience, reasonably capable; EXPERIENCED = played matches, has been coached, skilled
Given / First name of the person who is registering with the STBA
Family Name / Surname name of the person who is registering annual membership with the STBA
Please provide your gender.
Select the Year, month and Day for your Date Of Birth.
Which school does this child attend?
NEW = New to playing, not played before; BEGINNER = has only played a very small amount or not at all; GOOD = has a hit with friends, mum and dad, limited game experience, reasonably capable; EXPERIENCED = played matches, has been coached, skilled

Player Ability Key

  • NEW = has not played before.
  • BEGINNER = has only played a very small amount or not at all
  • GOOD = has a hit with friends, mum and dad,limited game experience, reasonably capable
  • EXPERIENCED = played matches, has been coached, skilled.

It is highly recommended that all juniors should be able to serve over the net diagonally, return a serve and hit more than 5 or more returns of the shuttle consistently to be able to participate in Super Smash. There are many public sessions your junior can attend with a parent to acquire these skills before they register for Super Smash.


By confirming this you agree to the Code Of Conduct

Parent / Guardian Details

Plase provide a valid email address so we can contact you.
This is your primary contact number, this can be a traditional fixed/landline or mobile number including any applicable area code or extension number details

Do you give permission for photo's or media of your child/children to be taken and used in promotional material by the STBA?

Payment Details

Registration fees
Prefer to pay by cash on the day? Please bring correct change.

If you wish to make a direct deposit the STBA banking details are as follows:

Name: Southern Tas Badminton Assn
BSB: 067 002
Account: 2803 7309

If you need to make any notes about your payment, please provide them below:

Comments regarding payment