Hello STBA Members,
⚡As you may be aware the STBA undertook a member survey late last year (please see the website if you are interested in the results) and based on the feedback received we have undertaken some new roster formats.
⚡The first of these formats is coming up fast and we would love for you to enter and give us your feedback. There will be short format (four week duration) Combined Doubles, Women’s Doubles and Singles competitions commencing in the week beginning 15th March.
⚡These competitions are open to players of all levels and genders from beginners to division one and will run from 7.30pm to 9.30pm with a fixed finish time to make them more accessible for our junior players. The nights of play are;
- Combined Doubles (Ladies and Gents combined) – Mon or Tuesday
- Women’s Doubles – Wednesday
- Singles – Thursday
Cost will be $40 payable up front when you enter for the 4 weeks, and players will be responsible for purchasing/providing shuttles. These will be available to purchase on the night.
Please click here for the online entry form, you will find attached to the entry form an information page outlining the details for each of the new competitions. Entries close 8th March 2pm.
If you want to read more about how each works, click on the following:
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send an email to [email protected] and we will endeavor to get back to you as soon as possible with an answer.
Get bolting, zap your entry in and quick as a flash you’ll be playing…!
Hope you all let loose that spirit of adventure to try something new and we see you on the courts.
Kind regards
STBA Committee